First off, school has been crazy. Maybe I'm just getting soft, but the three classes I'm taking this summer have kept me hopping. I think Scripture Use is the culprit. Principles of Translation and Galatians have regular assignments, but they are manageable. It's Scripture Use that has major projects regularly. Don't get me wrong, I love them. They are opportunities to do some homework that affects real people. The first project was revising a Bible study that might be useful for people in Ghana. Next, we commissioned a local artist/expert to do something (c.f. A Commissioning). We presented it in chapel, and maybe we will in church. People at CanIL have asked me to do it again - for other chapels in the fall and a class for semantic domains (how words connect to other words by their definitions). What I felt discouraged and scared about, God has used to affect other people. Third, we're supposed to do a recording. That's coming this week, and I'm thinking about recording something that can be used to meditate on John 15, especially for North American commuters. In addition to these projects and the daily assignments, there's the term paper: An analysis of the Scripture use in a situation. A real life situation. So I've been skyping with a missionary regularly, talking about the ways that God is working - the discouragements, the joys, the dreams... It's intimidating, this work that can affect people's lives. It's draining. It takes a lot of extra time because it's more creative, and I can't just make up an answer to make the professor happy. It's also life-giving despite it's strain.
Speaking of strains, there have been relationship strains too. Last week a couple of my best friends at CanIL and I had some good talks. Hard talks. The kind of talks where you end up baring your souls to each other, confessing the ways you've sinned against them, crying, and hugging... It's been a sackcloth and ashes experience. I've had to acknowledge my own black heart, and ask for forgiveness when I didn't feel like I deserved it. I had to face how I've hurt people. This happens now and again, but it's brutal when it does. And things aren't all better just because we've reconciled. I still have to deal with my own emotions, with the "what's next" questions because I don't know how to be friends the same way, with my own instincts to crawl into my shell and put up walls. I'm in awe of how God loves us. I am amazed by forgiveness and reconciliation because they show that even though people are broken, the Spirit is working in us to fix things again.
So it's been hard in several ways. These are the main ways - school and friends - and all I have time and energy to write about. I guess I just wanted to share how God has been working with me this summer. The sun is shining, and it's a beautiful Sunday. May you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.