Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, life is so full lately, but so much of the same, that I don't really know what to say. My voice is normal again, thank goodness! It wasn't really on Tuesday, but I didn't get a chance to talk to Bill Hybels anyways. And yes, I would have been able to because I attended a workshop where he was the speaker. He flew down to Nicaragua for this leadership training day, and many people from the Nehemiah Center went. It only cost me $5 to see the great Bill Hybels!

Alicia and I decided that he's not necessarily the great Bill Hybels, though. At least not in Nicaragua. He was not culturally aware, and this ignorance was a major short-coming. And I'm a little wary of the big power executive type pastors anyways. I agreed with some of the things he said, and I disagreed with others. He said that you can rank people on a leadership scale. He made it seem too easy. What qualities make a good leader? (please feel free to respond because I'm seriously wondering) I don't think he can make a person a 2 and another person an 8 unequivocally. He also said that the 8s won't follow a 2, but isn't serving others part of leadership - even if the person isn't as good of a leader? I think it will make a good KSP paper for next semester.

I am attending a lot of workshops and conferences with the Nehemiah Center. I go to their trainings for church leaders and write reflections. I hear that the Ezra Team is pleased with the speed with which I finish my tasks. María Luisa, one of my supervisors, says that they don't want to abuse my time, but I tell her, please do! I love working there. It puts a smile on my face all the time.

I also enjoy riding the bus and talking to Roberto. He is becoming a good friend of mine, and we talk about some really deep stuff. He is a nice bridge for me because I feel like I can be honest - completely - with him, and I can ask him awkward questions about culture, religion, anything. I got to see him in action last Sunday (see picture above), and I enjoy knowing more about his work since I'm at the Nehemiah Center with him.

Life in León is good. I feel more and more Nica all the time. I will be glad to go back home, but if I decided that this was going to be my life, I think I would be very excited about that too. The culture here is very alive and rich. There are more and more gigantonas (tall dancing woman - really a small boy under a costume) and drummers in the streets, practicing for December 7, the big celebration of Mary in León. When it comes, I'll explain what I see. From what I hear, it's sort of like our Halloween - Catholics go from house to house, sing a song of exaltation to Mary, and receive treats from the owners of the houses. It will be interesting to see.

I think I'll sign off for now. Tonight they are going to operate on my Papito (my mamá's father) because his prostate is enlarged and he is experiencing a lot of pain. Please pray for guidance for the doctors and healing for Papito. May the Lord bless and keep you.


  1. Hi Adrianna! First of all - I love reading your updates. So glad you're enjoying your time in Nicaragua and learning so much!
    Your leadership question intrigued me. A good (and Biblical) leader serves others in many capacities - definitely. I think serving others is different than following others, though. Jesus served the disciples, but they were the ones following him. Maybe I misunderstood the question...but that's the basic conclusion I came to.
    Anyway - blessings as you continue working and living there! :)

  2. I totally agree with Megan regarding leadership! I have 2 excellent devotions that I used while on the search committee... they came from the Follow the Rabbi website. I'll email them to you!
    Still love reading your blog! Praying for you as you continue to determine God's will!
