Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Look at them there
hanging in the sky,
so perfect and awe-inspiring,
so inexplicable.
Majestic puffs and globs we call clouds...

No. Stop. Don't give the scientific rationale
of water vapor and refraction.
Take a moment to think about how
something as simple and ordinary as clouds
can be mind-blowing.

All the pieces that need to come together
to make these shapes in the sky
that are always changing.
Can we predict what they'll look like,
or why?
They are pearly white or threateningly dark,
wispy and solid, house-like and barely there.
Don't let yourself believe you understand it.

Even with reasonable explanations
we don't comprehend.
How does the wind blow just so,
and the sun shine just right?
They change so quickly,
always capture the eye...

Stop. Let it blow your mind.
Incomprehensible, really, when you ponder it.

And if we open ourselves to the possibility
that we don't even understand clouds,

how can we think that we can begin
to grasp life, or love, or even God?
This great question that we must wrestle with
We are left to puzzle and ponder, soak and seek
and in the end, Love, somehow.

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