Sunday, April 28, 2013


Yes, homeless. For the time being. I'm traveling for the next three months. I graduated a week ago today, packed up my life in BC, said goodbyes, and headed to Alberta to visit family. I'm spending different nights at my aunt's and uncle's houses before flying across the big blue to the Netherlands for the summer. I'll be living in the Hague with my Dutch brother, his wife, and four-month-old daughter. I'll be the nanny for the month of May, stealing a weekend away to visit a friend from school in BC in Venice. Then I'll be in France for several weeks traveling around, visiting my adopted family from BC and probably going to Taize monastery before returning to the Netherlands for the month of July. That's as far as I have planned. I'll probably go other places, but I want to leave the schedule open.

I'm looking forward to some school-free time. Time to refresh, reconnect with God and who He wants me to be. I'm looking forward to being totally engrossed in an infant's life, giving up my own desires for those of another person. Maybe I'll be regretting those words soon, but right now, I have high hopes.

After the summer, you ask? No plans. I'm taking it one step at a time. I've got plans until the first weekend of August, and that's enough for me. I trust that God will make my path clear when I need to know. Yeah, I know it's not the way that most people expect life to be after earning a master's degree, but thus far, God hasn't asked me to do what everyone else does. I doubt He'll start any time soon. So I'm still learning the lessons he wants. Die to self. Find my home in him. Rest contentedly in his will. To suffer, which produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope (Ro 5:4). I can do no more.

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