There's only a little over a month to go until I become a partner missionary with the Nehemiah Center in Nicaragua! It's hard to believe that nearly a year has passed since I came to Nicaragua as part of the Cohort of Missioners. It has been a challenging year, and I think the coming one will be too as we grow through different changes at the Nehemiah Center as an organization. However, I also think it will be a good year, just as the past one has been. The Cohort of Missioners from all of the Central American countries recently had an "intensive" trip to El Salvador where we learned about the history and context of El Salvador as well as got to know each other as a group. It was good to reflect on what I have learned this past year and what I expect to do in the future. Though I returned from El Salvador wondering about my place in Nicaragua and what I am doing to further justice in the world, many wise people have been reminding me that these things take time. People in Central America don't trust someone right away, and I need to be patient as I seek to find ways to bring change - to my own heart and to others.
There is progress. People at my church know my name and greet me enthusiastically. My homemade chocolate-chip cookies were a big hit at the last street festival we hosted as a fundraiser. This weekend I've been invited to participate in a youth retreat by the woman who leads IMPACT club with me in the community of Nuevo Horizonte. The youth in the IMPACT club often ask me questions, and though I bumble my way through my perspective on an answer, at least they trust me enough to ask... My supervisors at the Nehemiah Center tell me that I have the closest relationship with several pastors who have been part of the network for years, but with whom I have been visiting regularly in the past few months. As we evaluate the Nehemiah Center and seek to gather around a city vision and God's kingdom, my presence will be important as a relational anchor among the people present. These small indicators remind me that my work is important, and God wants me to be here now.
How can you help? As many of you know, I went to North America for the month of September to talk with churches and individuals about what the Nehemiah Center does in Nicaragua, and how they want me to participate in their work. Though the Nehemiah Center pays me a small monthly stipend, I need to raise a majority of my funds. With taxes, healthcare, retirement, savings, and cost of living, I have calculated a yearly budget of approximately $33,000. Thus far, there is $9,000 in the account for my ministry. I am especially hoping for monthly donations since I will be paid on a monthly basis, but anything is welcome.
However, these abstract numbers don't tell you much about life here. Let me break some things down for you:
$2/month = garbage pickup fees
$4/month = guard who bikes around our neighborhood
$5/month = transportation costs to monthly Ezra Team meetings in Managua
$6/month = water bill at my house
$10/month = bicycle maintenance costs
$20/month = office supplies for work in the communities
$25/month = annual Christian Reformed Church of North America spiritual retreat
$42/month = internet bill at my house
$50/month = training, conferences, and visits to other ministry sites
$75/month = all public transportation costs
$100/month = medical expenses with insurance and doctor visits
$150/month = food for me and guests (like community leaders and pastors who come over for lunch or spending the night)
$350/month = rent for the house
As you can see, it's not too expensive to live in Nicaragua. The expensive parts are traveling to and from North America, paying taxes, responsibly saving for the future. Let's face it. I think I'm in this for the long haul, and I want my choices to reflect that commitment. I hope that you will join me prayerfully and financially in this endeavor. I was reminded in El Salvador that the most important thing is to gather around the Kingdom of God, not some ideal or model of development or the next best thing. If we each focus on being obedient to Christ and what He asks of us to further the work of God in the world, we will each fulfill our purpose.
Well, folks, the $25/month for the annual retreat has been covered! Don't worry. You can still contribute in other ways. :) I'm thankful for these signs of God's provision in my life!