Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And a Visit with Friends, too!

While I was in Alberta, I also got to meet up with some CanIL friends from this past summer! Brenda, my roommate during the summer, lives in Montana. She graciously drove three hours north to hang out with me and my grandparents the last weekend I was in Alberta. Saturday night we went to Lethbridge to visit our friend Keilan, whom we lived directly above in the dorms during the summer. We made him show us around the university before we went out on the town.

 Keilan in his native environment, the basement office with equipment attached to his head. Yes, I'll let you draw your own conclusions...
 Apparently, the U of L has the longest hallway at least in North America, if not the world. This is it, folks
 Keilan took one look at this hallway and just laid down in desperation.
 We roused him enough to get to the other end of the long hallway, and we got to look out over the coolies
 However, before he saw the view, Keilan had again lain down on the floor, too exhausted to move. Can you imagine going to class on one end and the next class being on the other end of this hallway?!

 Of course, after galavanting all over Lethbridge, we needed sustenance. I had a coupon for a free pizza at Pizza Hut (long story, but basically I went to a fundraising dinner with Opa and Oma, I was made to sing the school's anthem, and they rewarded me and my cohorts with gifts of free food), so we ate there

 Then we topped off the revelry with some good blizzards at Dairy Queen. 
Thankfully, no blizzards outside to report, but the wind could have knocked us over that day.
Brenda sported her Trinity Spartans scarf, a reminder of her fiancé back at CanIL

Needless to say, a good time was had by all. I was laughing so hard I was crying in Pizza Hut (Brenda and Keilan have that effect on me), and we got to see all sorts of wondrous sights and sites. :) Brenda and my grandparents got along well. Us girls also enjoyed a late-night girl chat in my aunt and uncle's hot tub the night before we parted ways. I've never mixed friends and family in Alberta before, but this was definitely a good experience!

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