Sunday, February 9, 2014

Introductions: Mark

I have been wanting to introduce you to my people in Nicaragua, but I have needed time to gather intel. After completing my first month here (wow that went fast!), I finally have some pictures and stories.

This is Mark. He comes from Michigan, a Calvin alum, couple years younger than me. He was the first Cohort. Now we are three (pictured below. I'll introduce Guissel another time) in the Cohort of Missioners program, the only functioning Cohort program currently though Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Guatemala also have programs, just no current participants... So Mark is my guiding star in the world of Cohorts. We work together in ETU, collaborate with Roberto together, and also propose changes and developments to the Cohort program. In other words, we spend a lot of time together.

Mark studied studio art, architecture, and business. He claims to be an aesthetical minimalist, detail-oriented, practical and yet philosophical. We get into discussions over coffee about God and economics, art and people, the church and popular culture.

This guy makes me laugh. Often. We make fun of each other, and he says slang words to me in Spanish that I need to ask him to explain to me (my Nica slang is...rusty at best). And I make fun of him in turn. It's a great teasing relationships. At Roberto's birthday party, we foisted a small child upon him, telling him that he needed practice. His face was priceless.

I appreciate Mark. He helps introduce me to community leaders, collaborates on project ideas, and commiserates on life in Nicaragua. Mark approaches our work with creativity. He has innovative ideas, and with him I feel free to consider wild possibilities for the future of our program. I can count on him to do the tasks he has committed to do. His business sense and straightforward way of planning things helps keep us organized. His sense of humor keeps me on my toes. His honesty refreshes me when I feel uncertain. And his prayers have supported me through this first month in Nicaragua. Mark is seeking God's will in his life, and I'm glad he includes me in his search.

Meet Mark. My Cohort and friend, working in Nicaragua for the glory of God.

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