Thursday, February 27, 2014

Partnership, Relationship, Friendship, Brotherment?

Names matter. And sometimes a word or label carries more than we think. This became abundantly clear last week for a group of pastors and church leaders who have a relationship among their three churches in León and one church in Canada.

In English, we have been calling this relationship among churches a "partnership." This word gives the idea of equal parties sharing a relationship, working together for a final goal. However, it also carries feelings of business, money, projects, goals and structure. In Spanish, there is no word for partnership, but we use "hermanomiento." Turns out that this word also carries these ideas of goals, structure, money, projects, etc.

This isn't exactly the way to describe what these churches have. Their relationship has been based on prayer primarily. Over the past four years, the church in Canada has been getting to know the leaders and church programs of the churches in León.  They have been exchanging prayer requests. The Sunday school kids have been praying for each other (some are pictured below).

In other words, they have been becoming friends. Even on this trip, they shared pictures with each other, talked about their lives, and prayed for each other.

When I came in January, I became a part of this partnership group. Because I live in León, my colleagues at the Nehemiah Center asked me to visit the León churches and get to know their pastors and members more in preparation for this team's visit. When the Canadians arrived in Nicaragua, I would be able to explain some things about the way the León churches are and what they are doing.

Since the idea of my position in Nicaragua is to walk alongside people and facilitate relationships, this project seemed perfect to me. I got to know the churches in León more, and I was with the Canadian team the whole week. They told me that I was more than a translator and guide for them by the end of the week; rather, I was part of the team. For me, this was a clear sign that God was working in this time.

The Canadian team enjoyed a tourist day and some delicious pineapple!

We spent the week visiting the churches, helping in kids' programs, attending church services, and listening to people. The pastors had special visits of sharing and prayer. We participated in regular programs of the church and witnessed what they do on a regular basis. Sometimes the Nicaraguans surprised the Canadians with an invitation to lead an activity, pray, or share some words of greeting. The Canadians handled it very well!

The conversations among the León pastors themselves, as well as with the Canadian team, were beautiful things to witness. Just to have three churches of distinct denominations working together as friends in Christ is a win in Nicaragua. And to add the cross-cultural aspect of a Canadian church is even more exciting. The Holy Spirit is definitely moving in the hearts of these believers!

This past week was my first official experience acting as an interpreter. Although I always felt like I could do better, many people encouraged me and told me that I was doing a great job. Some even told me I was the best interpreter they had heard! Another sign that God's power is perfect in our weakness because I had no way of knowing that this would be a success, but my mind and tongue were capable of going between Spanish and English, and maybe even choosing words with the right sort of baggage.

By the end of the week, no conclusions were reached. We don't know if the partnership will change its label to a friendship or collaboration or anything else. Maybe they will simply define their relationship more carefully. They want to stay in touch, but they didn't come up with anything concrete to do next. However, instead of feeling frustrated, it seemed that all parties were pleased with the opportunity to know each other more, build on a foundation of trust, and spend time with each other. The conversations will continue in the future. Asking beautiful questions together, I am confident that these four churches - through the guidance of the Holy Spirit - will continue to work out a positive relationship. More than that, they are growing in an appreciation of the global Body of Christ which is the Church.

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