Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stomach Punch

The Cohort of Missioners group in Nicaragua jokes that I have a stomach of steel. I haven't been sick at all since coming to Nicaragua in January, and I eat everything that's given to me. I drink the local water with no problems. But yesterday, my stomach of steel let me down.

I was supposed to leave for Managua at 6 am, but I got up and felt sick. Deciding that I needed more sleep, I texted my supervisor that I would be going to the conference where I was expected late. He said it was fine. Instead of getting better after a few hours of sleep, I was worse. I spent pretty much the whole day in bed or in the bathroom, curled up trying to find a position where my stomach didn't hurt. I developed a fever but didn't want anything to eat or drink.

In the midst of my misery, I was actually quite thankful. See, it was like God knew exactly what I needed. I've been running constantly for the last month, it feels like. Guissell compared me to a squirrel this week, always going up and down. I don't know how to take a break, especially when everything feels so urgent and pressing. Being sick is the only way I can give myself permission not to get things done. Not to expect to have accomplished a mile-long to-do list by the end of the day. Not to say yes to everything people ask me to do. Being punched in the stomach - literally - was a welcome relief. My shepherd MADE me lie down in green pastures, and I'm ever so grateful.

I'm way behind in blog posts, but here's an overview of my calendar from the last month:

May 5 - Day in Managua
May 6-12 Trip to Iowa for my brother's graduation
May 12-18 Coordinate and accompany a group of 7 people associated with Communities First Association on their visit to the Nehemiah Center
May 19 Day in Managua
May 20 Trip to Somotillo for graduations of Buen Trato program; Job offer from World Missions to be a career missionary
May 22 Biblical Worldview class; house rental arrangements
May 23 Trip to Chinandega for Buen Trato program
May 24 Bible study in the morning, trip to Managua for a CRC party in the afternoon
May 26 Day in Managua
May 27 Trip to Chinandega for Buen Trato graduation

Anyways, you get the picture. I was basically gone for 2 weeks in the States and then with a team, and when I came back to León I was just trying to catch up on everything. Plus we decided to rent an unfurnished house as the Caminantes, so that has been all sorts of extra work signing for the house and trying to furnish it.

Mark left today to go back to the States for 6 weeks or so, and there have been a lot of transitions. People who are shorter term have come and gone in May, and we are trying to be involved in a lot. I'm not good at taking breaks, but it seems that we need to add an expectation of rest into our Cohort guidelines and descriptions. In the meantime, I'm glad for a few sick days.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are a busy woman! Congrats on the job offer; I'm interested/excited to hear more details on that :) Love you lady.
