you know it completely, O LORD.
~ Psalm 139:4
God is so good! On Friday, I realized that I was feeling overwhelmed by life. I needed some down time, some peace and quiet. Well, I didn't get an empty house or a remote island, but I got a farm, and people to encourage me. Friday night my mamá asked me if it was easy for me to leave my family since I was used to it or if I missed them. As I told her, "a little of both" I started crying. I missed them especially on Friday, and a whole combination of things led to a (long-overdue and completely normal for me) crying spell. So she left me alone for a bit and I talked to God about how I was feeling. I realized that I haven't taken much time off. I have been going and going, and not just taking time off. Plus, life here in Nicaragua takes a lot of work. I have to plan everything more because it takes more time. Things like internet are not just right there at my fingertips. I walk a lot of places, so it takes time. And I'm always thinking about whether or not I'm saying the right things (grammar and content), dressing the right way, etc. It's a lot of mental pressure, I think. And I didn't realize these things until I realized I was feeling overwhelmed. So I prayed for some peace...
Saturday, I went with my family to the finca, the family "farm" just out of León. It was beautiful! It wasn't the middle of nowhere, but it was quieter, and I felt very peaceful there. I also got to meet more of my "family." Roberto is one of the people who helps us from the Nehemiah Center this semester, and he lives in León. He's actually my cousin through my host family. I got to go to his house with his brother, Mauricio, on a motorcycle. I love motorcycle rides! Even in Nicaragua, when I was a bit more nervous because people here drive crazy! I really like talking to Roberto, and I get along well with him and Mauricio. I got to see wedding pictures and all sorts of things.
My family was worried that I was bored at the finca, but it was a balm to my frayed nerves. Even though I wasn't all by myself, I had peace and quiet. The church service we'd been planning on going to was cancelled because of rain, so we spent the whole day at the finca, rain and all. When we got home, I went to bed.
On Sunday I went with Roberto and another student, Alex, to Poneloya. Alex played baseball with a group there, and I spent the day with Roberto, his pastor friend Rodrigo, and Alex. I also met a girl from North Carolina who married a Nicaraguan. It was nice to make new friends. We went to an island at Poneloya where Rodrigo's wife works, and it was a beautiful place.
The finca in the rain... So many fruit trees and exotic plants - but they belong here! It was gorgeous.
From vine, to mature, to glass - the journey of granadilla, a fruit that makes a great "fresco" with little seeds in it.
I miss my bike - so I got to take a little tour around the finca on the bike there. :) Good times.
Isn't God awesome! I love hearing how He answered your prayers. I was just thanking Him yesterday that He is so good, even when I'm being a huge whiner and don't really deserve it. I'm proud of you for working through tough things. Love you!