Thursday, April 14, 2011


The last post was the product of a class project for my Acts/Revelation Bible class. Our professor asked us to come up with a modern apocalyptic vision. Something like the Book of Revelation is difficult to write, but there were a few guidelines.

For example, apocalyptic literature generally responds to a crisis. It has elements of hope and could include judgment as well. There were other things, but these were especially helpful for me in the creative process. I thought about what types of crises I witnessed around me (and there are a lot). The most personal is the search for purpose and calling. I hear my peers talking about life after graduation, and many of them are unsure. I believe that the Holy Spirit gave me the creativity and inspiration for the previous "vision" of life. I can't really explain it - the vision OR the creative process. But it's real, and it reflects a crisis that is close to my heart as well as peace and trust and hope.

I also came up with a letter, Revelation 2-3 style. Perhaps it is a bit preachy, but I'm going to put it on here as well. What good is a cool assignment if I can't share it with people?

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