“To the ones who search for Truth, write:
I see your heart, and I love you. I see the way you stumble in the dark, groping ahead as you search for the next step. I the Light of the Word, tell you, Do not fear! My ways are not your ways, neither are my timetables your timetables. I will lead you by the hand and show you the way to go. As I commanded Moses in a holy fire, so I will tell you: Go with my words in your mouth. As I cleansed Isaiah in the throne room, so will I purify you - go and sin no more. As I set Jeremiah apart, so I will appoint you - no matter that you are young. As I empowered Philip’s daughters, so will I fill you – you have worth because of you, not your other connections. As I healed the man with leprosy, so will I restore you – I want to; be healed!
You who believe you have so little to offer, you are made in my image. You, who have known your life’s path so long, come, follow me and I will make you fishers of people. You, who find yourself without answers after being considered an expert by others, you must be born again. You, who resist my call so much, it is hard for you to kick against the goads.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened with life, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and let me hold the reins, for my hands are steady and my demands are light. You will find green meadows and refreshing waters to rest near.
I have seen your passion, and your great longing to follow me, and I long to lead you. But I have this one complaint against you. You think that what you do now is not real life! It is as if you’re waiting for a clarion call to decide the next phase but you won’t even act on the things I tell you every day, like love your neighbor as yourself. You hoard your money and stuff your faces while others starve. Is not the religion I ask just this? To look after widows and orphans in their trouble, and keep yourselves from buying into what everyone else says. How hard is it to visit the sick or write a letter to a prisoner? Why don’t you treat the immigrants like you do your fellow Americans? True love is this: you lay down your life – your physical life, yes, but also your social life, your academic life, your church life, your community life – for another.
Keep struggling. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. I, who open and shut doors, will lead ou through the maze. I will be the light for your path. In me you will find life, so whatever you eat or drink or play or do, do it all for my glory, and I will be pleased. Ecstatic and proud, in fact. Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired, they will walk and not get cramps. Praise the Lord!”
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