Monday, April 4, 2011

Super Spiritual?

I close my eyes when I'm singing in worship. When I do this, I usually briefly consider how my actions are not what people are thinking. I don't close my eyes because I'm super spiritual, super into the music, and am lost in Jesus (as I usually perceive other people who close their eyes while singing).

Instead, I close my eyes because I am SO NOT these things. I get distracted. I worry about what people are thinking when they see me. My sight inhibits me from worshiping. To worship means to honor, to reverence, to regard with great or extravagant respect ( I think that means forgetting about myself and concentrating on the One I'm worshiping - trinitarian God.

But it's so hard! My mind goes a hundred different places instead of to God. How rude. So I close my eyes to eliminate some of the distractions. I often operate on an "I can't see them so they can't see me" assumption in life. If I close my eyes, I can't see all the people around me, and I don't feel self-conscious if I raise my hands or make sign-language motions or just really sing and concentrate on the words.

So for those of you who are looking and wondering, close your eyes. Take that small measure to focus. And no, I'm not super spiritual. I'm just trying to block out some of my distractions because I feel so nonspiritual. Things are not always as they appear, I guess.

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