The end of my education (I hope!) is coming very near. Less than a month to go until I graduate with a master's degree in linguistics and exegesis. Step by step, we're moving forward.
Who am I kidding? I'm rockin' the deadlines, yo. I own this stuff.
This past Friday I took comprehensive exams. It was slotted for three hours in the computer lab. Four essay questions (2 required plus 2 out of 4 for choice), approximately 2 pages each, with approximately a half hour per question. In order to graduate from the master's program, we have to either write a thesis or take two more classes plus comprehensive exams. I took the exams. I had studied for the exam, but not too much. We had been told it was mostly reflection and synthesis of our education over the past two years and how it affected us. Our advising professor, the program chairman, had told us to think of the exam in terms of "thoughts you have in the shower." Like the reflections on our learning that go through our minds.
Well, I got to the exam and realized our advisor must have much more analytic thoughts than me! I spent the first twenty minutes panicking, but I eventually settled down and wrote about methods and objectives and application of linguistic and exegetical classes I'd taken. I got out of the exam nervous about the outcome. It's a pass/fail evaluation, but I was pretty unsure whether some of my answers were adequate.
Relief and exaltation came with an email at 10 pm on Friday congratulating me on passing the exams!
Now the only thing between me and an MA are four classes and three weeks. Today I gave a presentation. Yesterday I wrote up a reflective evaluation. Next week I'll turn in an annotated bibliography. There are final papers and exams as well as reading reports along the way. But assignment by assignment, deadline by deadline, I am progressing towards the finish line.
My good mood has been enhanced by the wonderful, warm, sunny weather we've been having. As I ride around on my bike, looking at the flowersl and enjoying the spring weather, I am exhilarated. So close to freedom!
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