Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Philosopher

I scribbled this at a conference and have been waiting for an opportunity to put my musings on here. Today I phonetically transcribed (wrote out all the sound symbols) this paragraph for a class assignment:

He had a peculiar manner of speaking that both disarmed and charmed his listeners. His voice had strange inflections and slipped into humorous tonalities even when lecturing, which made him interesting to listen to solely on the basis of his voice. He seemed casual and modest even though he already had a doctorate and an impressive resume considering his less-than-thirty years. His philosophical nature was even reflected through his brown suit and untidily mussed hair. He had an engaging way of interrupting himself as he lectured, inserting parenthetical comments. With one hand stuffed in his pocket and the other gesturing figuratively, his tall frame slouched slightly, he seemed approachable and humble even while giving a brilliant and controversial presentation. He was a man with whom one could smoke a pipe, contemplate life, and leave amused. 

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